Price : 16,90

A good drawing being worth a thousand explanations, who better than the Comic Strip could summarize in a few 80 pages what was the OVERLORD operation and the Allied Landing in Normandy? Without parodying the famous formula of a no less famous newspaper that was aimed at young people from 7 to 77 years old, it is clear that comics are available to a wide audience.

Combining images and texts, it can be related to cinema and literature but has the gift of being short and to the point. This is certainly why it is so interesting to read, whether you are a child, a teenager, a parent or a grandparent.

May this work both transmit the message of the elders who knew these battles and this period of occupation, and fascinate the young by teaching them the price of freedom.
These are the wishes that I express in supporting the initiative of this project on behalf of the Comité du Débarquement.

Product details :
Editions OREP
format : 235×325 mm
90 pages
Square back, glued, sewn

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